70% of employees did not take all their vacation



A study by Right Management found that most North American employees did not fully use their vacation time in 2012.



Out of 700 Canadian and American employees surveyed by Right Management at the end of this year, only 30% had taken advantage of all their holidays in 2012. Results were similar in 2011, revealing a stressful and tense work environment. The trend has been aggravated since the beginning of the crisis, and Right Management is concerned that it has become the new standard. However, vacation periods are necessary to rest physically and mentally, and thereby avoid health problems that can lead to depression in some cases.

ScreenHunter_09-Dec-26-12-27.jpgRight Management recalls that missing a few days of vacation is acceptable from time to time, for example when an emergency occurs or a deadline is reached, since it shows a certain motivation and significant professional commitment, but it is better to avoid repeating this zealous attitude too frequently.


Employers are therefore advised to encourage their employees to take their vacations – a few days of absence for better productivity upon return can’t do the company any harm. It should be noted that employees do not necessarily have to take consecutive days off to feel better – going home at noon on Friday instead of waiting for the evening to enjoy the family more and for free time can be enough for a recharge.


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