Data security, Low HR risk


Data security central to Canadian company concerns

Although 44% of Canadian employees work once or twice a week outside their office, 77% of them access their email and work related documents from their personal devices. The natural consequence of this phenomenon is that mobility management is positioned as a priority for companies in terms of technology, according to the recent survey conducted by CDW Canada among 245 people. Among organizations' concerns, security of company data (42%) tops the list. Then there are management of devices and applications (24%), maintaining network performance (12%), then the growing need for computer resources, technical support and training (7%).


Low HR risk: 3 Canadian cities in the top 10 worldwide

Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver are among the ten cities with the lowest risk for employers with respect to human resources, according to the risk index related to HR from Aon Hewitt. This index measures companies’ difficulties in hiring, employment and redeployment of staff. It is based on demographic conditions, education, development of talent, employment practices and government support. Among the 138 cities studied, New York, Singapore, Toronto, London and Montreal took the top five places. Vancouver came in tenth, tied with Boston and Chicago. Finally, the cities with the highest risk are Luanda (Angola), Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea), Addis Ababa (Ethiopa), Sana’a (Yemen) and Damascus (Syria).


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