Articles by Florence Risueño Faure


Generations collide in the workplace

What do we know about the psychological differences between generations at work? The Hudson talent solutions company looked into this issue in its recent study: "The Great Generational Shift: Why The Differences Between Generations Will Reshape Your Workplace." While Baby Boomers are shown to be decision makers, Generation X appears to be more ambitious and Generation Y more able to inspire than compel...

Good to know

Gender equality: there could still be a long road ahead of us…

Where do we stand with regard to global gender equality? The ninth edition of The Global Gender Gap Report, produced by the World Economic Forum, shows that while there has been a marked improvement in the areas of health and education, economic and political participation are lagging behind. 

By the numbers

Two thirds of Canadians have poorly planned their retirement age

Choosing a retirement date is not as obvious as we might believe. A new Sun Life Financial study of 2,799 people shows that Canadians do not retire when they plan to. The main reason for this change of plan is their health.


Obstacles facing foreign workers: language and Canadian experience

While the government has made recognition of foreign credentials one of its priorities, newcomers must face "major obstacles" in order to find a job. This is the case even if their skills are officially recognized.


Salary increases: The energy sector is still the leader

The energy sector dominates again this year in current and projected salary increases. This is according to the 2014-2015 Canadian Compensation Planning Survey including responses from almost 700 employers. Alberta and Saskatchewan reported the highest increases...

By the numbers

The Sandwich Generation: short $560,000 for retirement

Caught between their parents' generation and their children's, Canadians in the sandwich generation would need $560,000 more to be able to enjoy their ideal retirement lifestyle. A survey conducted by BMO Nesbitt Burns has found that this part of the workforce faces a stressful situation and that there are disparities in terms of family responsibilities and financial goals across Canada.


Automation: a threat to jobs?

Experts are divided over the impact of the growth of robots, software and artificial intelligence. This can be seen in a study published by the American research center, Pew, where 48% of respondents believe that automation will destroy jobs and also increase income inequality. The remaining 52%, for their part, see automation as an opportunity to rid ourselves of unwanted tasks and create new jobs for the human workforce.

Good to know

Canada, in the top 5 for start-up companies

Fast Company reports that according to a University of Washington study, Canada occupies second place in terms of opportunities for start-ups.

Good to know

The government is investing in information on the Aboriginal labour market

The government has announced a $675,000 award to the Aboriginal Human Resources Council. The goal is to improve information about 125 employment projects with 500 aboriginal communities.

Call to order

Small businesses poorly informed about the anti-spam law

In force since July 1, Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL) is still largely unknown by SME owners. In fact only 15% of them are aware of the requirements of this law and 62% have not yet taken any action to comply. This is what a survey by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) has found.

Good to know

Information technology: which sectors are hiring the most?

Companies across the country are showing increasingly extensive needs of information technologies. What industries are hiring? What areas of expertise are the most sought after by organizations? CareerBuilder and Economic Modeling Specialists Intl. (EMSI) responded to these issues by drawing up a list of fields with the highest use of professionals specializing in new information technologies since 2010.

Oddly enough

The office treadmill, an asset for productivity

A study conducted at the University of Texas at Arlington, the University of Minnesota and the Mayo Clinic shows that using a treadmill at work lets employees get physical activity and also increase their ability to perform better.

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