Agriculture: Recruiting via work simulation exercises

The French national employment agency (ANPE) presented an original method of recruiting in agriculture at the 2007 Paris International Agricultural Fair in March. The method is based on exercises that simulate work situations.

No more CVs and cover letters… With the simulation recruiting method, it is candidates’ aptitudes and not their diploma or experience that counts. The recruiting involves having candidates pass a series of exercises previously tested with current employees of the hiring company. The recruiter evaluates candidates using exercises that reproduce work situations by analogy. The method enables observation of how candidates tackle professional situations, overcome difficulties and demonstrates their aptitudes (ability to understand and comply with standards and instructions, decision-making and teamwork).

In 2006, 20,300 candidates were hired in France via the simulation method of recruiting, particularly in agriculture for jobs as arboricultural and horticultural workers, market gardeners, endive production workers and gardeners.

Source : Millefeuille Presse / TV Agri

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