Rights and labour standards

Rights and labour standards

How to Set Up a Harassment Policy

Companies are required to offer their employees a workplace free of harassment, whether psychological or sexual. To do this, implementation of an appropriate policy is required. But how is it done? Consider yourself covered First of all, it’s not because the situation has never presented itself in your company – or you have never heard […]

Rights and labour standards

Investigating Psychological Harassment in the Workplace – Best Practices

More and more lawyers will be asked to investigate cases of psychological harassment at the workplace. What are the best practices in this area? “The norm is changing, and expectations in human relationships are also changing: behaviours may be better identified, recognized and reported more than before,” explains Élise Corriveau, CHRP and accredited mediator for […]

Rights and labour standards

What does “negotiate in good faith” mean?

Negotiating in good faith is not just a good idea, it’s an obligation! As well, trade union disagreements during a negotiation have to follow certain rules. On the site of the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés, Mtre Karl Jessop, CRIA and a lawyer and partner at Cain Lamarre, explains clearly and simply what […]

Rights and labour standards

Overhaul of the Canada Labour Code: Towards Better Protection of Part-Time Workers

The Canada Labour Code, dating from the 1960s, needs to be modernized. This is the finding of an extensive consultation carried out by the federal government with groups of workers, unions and private sector employers subject to federal regulation. An overhaul is therefore being prepared to adapt to the new realities of the world of […]

Rights and labour standards

Under What Circumstances Can an Employer Hire a Private Detective?

If he suspects an employee of cheating on salary insurance, can an employer hire a private detective to conduct shadowing? What are the limits of the worker’s right to privacy? Some explanations. Employee fraud costs companies 5% of their revenue, according to the 2018 report from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. The use of […]

Rights and labour standards

A permit to be required for recruitment agencies?

To prevent “delinquent” agencies from exploiting vulnerable workers, the Couillard government wants to impose, in its bill on revising labour standards, the requirement for all recruitment agencies to obtain a permit. Some explanations. At this stage of the bill, its difficult to know what the concrete provisions will be. Without giving much detail, the Couillard […]

Rights and labour standards

Recasting of Labour Standards – What Will Change for You?

The Minister of Labour, Dominique Vien, on March 20, 2018, tabled in the National Assembly her reform of the Labour Standards Act, applying to both unionized and non-unionized workers.  The last significant changes to Bill 76, adopted in 1979, date back to 2002. Some forty employer and union groups, as well as community groups, were […]

Pay and benefits, Rights and labour standards

Gender Pay Gap Remains in Canada

At a time when the government is announcing a bill on pay equity to reduce the gaps between the genders, what is clear is that in fact equality in this area is still far from being achieved. 35% to 44% less for women on hourly wages and bonuses 64% to 72% lower at the Royal […]

Rights and labour standards

SME – Do you have a policy against harassment and violence?

According to a Léger survey in October 2017, close to one women out of two in Quebec have been sexually harassed, 40% of them at work. The recent public denunciations of sexual harassment have accentuated the need to combat this problem, especially in the professional environment. Under the recently-adopted Bill C-65, all employers are obliged […]

Rights and labour standards

How to Prevent and Manage Long-Term Absenteeism

An increase in disability cases, ageing workforce, multiplication of absences for mental health reasons… How to prevent and manage long-term absenteeism? Expert advice. The costs related to absenteeism and long-term absenteeism represent 20% of a company’s payroll, estimates Daniel Leduc, CRIA and lawyer in employment and labour law at Norton Rose Fulbright. “When a company […]

Rights and labour standards

Do your employees suffer from Friday-itis?

Have you heard about Friday-itis, the significant drop in motivation and concentration seen on Fridays among many workers who look forward to their weekend days off but a day in advance? Almost every employee has at some point experienced the need to legitimately take an unplanned day off for rest, for the sake of his […]

Rights and labour standards

Fired in an cavalier way? What happens next?

There are tons of stories of getting fired offhandedly. When this situation happens to us, we can ask ourselves what is our recourse and how far can businesses go. Exploring the issue. Regardless of individual or massive layoffs, it is always possible to do it by the book. But what are these concrete rules? Golden […]

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