Appointments in human resources in Quebec, December 2022

Audrey Jannin @UAP Inc.

Audrey Jannin has taken up the duties of Career and Talent development advisor at UAP Inc. in Montreal. She previously worked as Organizational Development Specialist & DEI at Reitmans Canada Ltée/Ltd.

Claire Dauphin @KRB Avocats | Lawyers

Claire Dauphin has gotten the job of Talent Acquisition Specialist at KRB Avocats | Lawyers in Montreal. Up to now, she had been employed as a Talent Acquisition Manager - IT Infrastructure at Cofomo.

Judy Lachance @Placeteco inc.

Judy Lachance has been employed by Placeteco inc. as Coordonnatrice des ressources humaines in Trois-Rivières. She had formerly worked as Coordinateur Ressources Humaines at Gestion La Belle Époque inc. . network