Worldwide only 40% of employees are engaged in their work

Only four out of ten employees are engaged in their work, and therefore a lot of progress still needs to be made by both employees and companies. This is one of the findings emerging from the Towers Watson survey on the attitudes and concerns of workers globally.


The survey of 32,000 full-time employees in large- or medium-sized companies in 26 countries, including Canada, highlights their concerns and motivators. The report also mentions the challenges employers face in attracting and retaining staff. It appears that only 46% of employees believe that their company is effective in recruiting new talent, and 42% that they are competent in retaining qualified staff.


In this context, remuneration plays a key role. It is the most often cited motivating factor in pushing employees to join or leave a company. For 41% of them, job security is the main reason that they join a company. Paid leave, career advancement opportunities and work-life balance are also key factors in their motivation.


Another fact emerging from the survey: 70% of employees expect that their employer will take their needs into account. But only 43% have seen their company do so. This state of affairs necessarily affects employee commitment. Only four people in ten have a strong commitment, 24% say they are engaged and 17% detached, while 19% do not feel supported at all. The study shows that 60% of employees do not have the essential elements to demonstrate strong commitment.


30% of employees have little support


The study also demonstrates that managers have an important role to play. In organizations where they are perceived as efficient, 72% of employees are very committed. On the other hand, only 48% find that their managers display powerful leadership, and of these 55% say they are inspired and motivated by their leaders.


In addition, 30% of employees perceive a lack of manager support, including a lack of supervisor recognition or unfulfilled promises. This situation generates significant professional stress. For 57% of respondents, managerial efficiency therefore requires consistency between words and actions. For 54% it is reflected in the ability of the supervisor to help them overcome obstacles. They all mention the importance of respecting employees. Finally, 70% underline the ability to clearly communicate objectives and allocate tasks.


Therefore, to correct this and increase employee motivation, employers must invest in training their leaders. These must be capable of motivating their staff, be worthy of confidence, and help employees to achieve their goals.


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