Working with You Is Killing Me

Working with You Is Killing Me

The corporate world is well organized. Everyone has a role to play and all work toward achieving well-defined objectives: increasing sales, enhancing the margin, improving productivity, etc. Yet companies are above all made up of men and women who continually live and experience strong emotions. Current problems can even turn into emotional traps, such as when the slowness of a department stops you from doing your work, when co-workers spend their day telling you about their personal life, when bosses expect you to read their mind. . . The result of these contained emotions is frustration and counter-productive stress!

To overcome this, Katherine Crowley, workplace psychotherapist, and Kathi Elster, an organizational and human resources consultant, have written a book showing how to quickly identify the emotional traps of life at work and the sources of dissatisfaction. They then provide lots of practical tips on how to escape these situations. You first have to define specific limits (in time, space, speech, etc.) and then succeed in exiting the roles one usually plays in the organization (e.g. the “martyr”, “hero”). Finally, it is essential to develop healthy relationships you’re your professional environment (e.g. co-workers, supervisors, suppliers, customers). Many tests and case studies help the reader in achieving these results.

The two authors founded their own consulting firm in New York and have helped hundreds of companies improve their productivity by getting their employees out of the emotional traps they were stuck in. The international success of their book demonstrates that these new issues, far from being anecdotal, apply to all companies, whether in the U.S., Europe, Canada or elsewhere.

Book information:

  • Title: Working with You is Killing Me
  • Authors: Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster
  • Publisher: Warner Business Books
  • Price: $29.95
  • To order:
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