
Jobs via podcast

In addition to job chats, text messaging and recruiting blogs, job ads can now be podcast.

The U.S. site has recently started offering employers the possibility of podcasting their job offers. The term “podcast” is a blend of Apple’s popular “iPod” music player with “broadcast.” The principle of this novel service is to allow candidates to regularly receive job ads on their computers in the form of audio or video files that can be downloaded to their digital players.

According to JobsinPods, this new media makes the ad more lively and engaging For example, recruiters could stage a short interview with a fictitious candidate and answer typical questions such as: “What does this job involve?” “What are the opportunities for advancement?” “What kind of benefits do you offer?” The job ads can easily be downloaded to the various podcast players such as iTunes, Noopod or Podcast Pickle. In addition, candidates can be encouraged to subscribe to RSS feeds of these job ads podcast directly from the employer’s site.

The strategy is an attractive one for recruiters wishing to reach the community of savvy bloggers and Web surfers, because of its clear opportunities for differentiation. Even so, are these new media foreshadowing a new way of recruiting?

The written job ad will be difficult to unseat, despite its apparent somberness. Quick to read and easy to transfer, it allows candidates to make their choice at a glance. New technologies featuring images, sound and interactivity will probably have a role to play in recruiting, but more as a complement to the ad itself.

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