Articles by Aurélie Deléglise


The Monster employment index lands in Canada

At the beginning of February, the mother of online recruitment, Monster Worldwide announced the creation of the Monster employment index in Canada, an indicator of the online workforce demand in Canada. Rikke Wivel, Director of Communications at explains what it’s about.

To Read

“Finally the boomers kick the bucket”

In Quebec, as in a number of countries, the baby boomers have imposed their vision and their way of doing things onto society for a good forty years. But this situation is about to change as retirement age comes knocking…

Oddly enough

Canadians delay their retirement for as long as possible

According to the AXA survey “Barometer Centered Retirement”, carried out in 11 countries involving 6 915 people, it is in Canada that seniors are among the most active! (14% of those surveyed)

By the numbers

The recruiter’s attitude, choice criteria for 76% of candidates

In a recruitment process, the selection interview represents a crucial step and the attitude adopted by the candidate can be a gage of success. But what can we say about that of the recruiter?


Interview Christine Simard

Christine Simard possesses some 20 years' experience. In turn corporate manager, trainer or consultant, she can boast about having implemented many services both in Canada and abroad. As was the case for the baby boomer generation, generation Y (comprising youths 18 to 25 years of age) will leave a trace of its passing; perhaps not as big as that of their grandparents, but big enough to have a large impact on society. Generation Y will carve out a place for itself to a much greater extent than the generation that preceded it (generation X).

Oddly enough

Recruiting reaches new heights

In Japan, a country with very highexpectations from its employees, an online textile retailer last month carriedout an unusual form of recruiting that reached new heights, literally as wellas figuratively. network